You may have heard of parent coaching and asked yourself what it is, who would need it, and what it looks like. Parent coaching is for anyone! It's for moms and dads and caregivers, teachers, guardians, and grandparents wanting insight and support in the hardest and most rewarding job. Here are five reasons to work with a parent coach.
1. It is harder to be a parent today than it was a generation ago.
I'll explain. Every generation has differences and challenges, but the world is changing at such a rapid pace that your children truly are living in a different world than the one in which you grew up. Parents and educators have always said that a parenting manual does not exist. That is true. But the difference today is that there are experiences our children have that simply did not exist when you were a child which leaves a void.
2. Parent coaches are professionally trained.
Many have education in child development, brain development, trauma-informed communicaton, relationship dynamics and more, giving you encouraging support from a professional. Parent coaches listen and vaildate without judgement in a world filled with comparsion and shame.
3. You might feel stuck but you don't need a diagnosis.
Parent coaching is a great solution when things are hard or confusing. While it can compliment therapy and other interventions quite well, coaching works great on its own. You don't need a referral, and it's easy to begin. No problem is too small for a parent coach to advise.
4. Coaching is temporary and not a long-term commitment.
At Merry Parenting, ideally we're working together for four sessions over eight weeks but maybe you want to meet just once, or occasionally after four sessions. It's flexible and accommodating.
5. You are doing the best you can!
Everyone can benefit from encouragement, support, and perspective now and then. Coaches work with you to find successes and set goals. Even when things are going well, it's nice to receive affirmation. You have what it takes. Keep up the good work!